Plato and aristotle nature vs nurture. The reason why this topic has been around for so long is because we can not. Plato and aristotle nature vs nurture

 The reason why this topic has been around for so long is because we can notPlato and aristotle nature vs nurture  Plato and Aristotle were two philosophers who

Thousands of years before the field of psychology, philosophers pondered on human behavior. The wise person strives for inner ‘justice’, a condition in which each. Amongst the many works attributed to Plato's authorship is his "The Republic" wherein is set out a series. Nurture -Reformers made the well-being of children a national concern during the Industrial Revolution. socialization. Some go back to Plato, Aristotle, and Anci. C) Nativism is to philosophical empiricism. Plato believed knowledge was inborn and that every object in the physical world has corresponding abstract “ideas”/ “form. At present, there is no clear winner regarding the debate as both genes (nature) and environmental factors/stimuli (nurture) seem to play a vital and important role in language acquisition. 3 Epicurus on reason, character formation, and what “depends on us”. The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development. Aristotle eulogized his teacher by saying that Plato "clearly revealed by his own life and by the methods of his words that to be happy is to be good. The Four Causes and the Study of Nature. "The critical. Ethics, for example, concerns how one ought to live and focuses on pleasure, virtue, and happiness. Plato. As such, their noted penchant for excluding. THE Blank Slate Theory: Nature versus Nurture Abstract The discussion surrounding Stephen Pinkers ’ book The Blank Slate: the Modern Denial of Human Nature has sparks some rather interesting arguments as to whether our being is a result of nature‚ genetics or is it learned through nurturing. Although both instances shape you as a human‚ personally I think nature is more captivating and significant. The short video presented discussed this and questioned the viability of both while presenting evidence of both. Plato’s philosophy of nature versus nurture makes a lot of distinctions between these two theories. Socrates and Plato believed in nativism and Aristotle in empiricism. The nature vs. Plato. We find the etymological origins of two key terms in the title of this article, “political” and “philosophy”, in ancient Greek: the former originally pertaining to the polis or city-state; the latter being the practice of a particular kind of inquiry conceived literally as the “love of wisdom” (philosophia). Amongst the many works attributed to Plato's authorship is his "The Republic" wherein is set out a series. This entry was posted in Nature/Nurture and tagged aristotle, behavior, change, empiricism, ideas, inborn, interests, learned, nativism, nature, nurture, plato, socrates, thoughts on January 25, 2014 by Tabitha Lundstrom. The Views Of Plato And Aristotle On The Nature Vs. Nurture Debate There is an issue that has been conferred upon by philosophers in. phrenology. The philosophical tradition that traces back to Aristotle employs the idea of nature to explain that which defines the essence of a thing. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle proposed theories that emphasized either innate predispositions or the. A unique feature about Aristotle's definition of "physis" was his relationship between art and nature. Page 1 1. Suppose it is obvious that someone. If a clinician focuses primarily on the presence of others and peer and other group influences, they are focusing on: A. These Greeks introduced the term nativism (nature) as the idea that our thoughts, ideas, and characteristics are inborn. Plato suggests that the soul is distinct from the body. Nature versus Nurture – Depression Discussion Through the years there has been an on-going debate of nature versus nurture. From Ancient Greece to modern day, there has been an ongoing debate of nature vs. The controversial debate of nature vs nurture. social background), philosophy vs. ” PlatoChapter five of Kupperman’s book “Theories of human nature” looks at great philosophers, namely Plato’s and Aristotle’s points of view in trying to define humanity. Both Plato and Aristotle are, in very different ways, attempting to respond to this issue raised by Heraclitus. b. The debate for nurture vs. Nature Vs Nurture Quotes. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. 1. The debate about nature versus nurture goes back to humans’ earliest days of intellectual dispute. - The “form is the nature more than the matter is” - The power, movement, and creativity of the “unmoved mover” Metaphysics by Aristotle - Perception and appearances are not the same - States or conditions exist simultaneously; pertains to potentiality and actuality Significant differences concerning nature between Plato and Aristotle. Rene Descartes created an entire school that is known today as the Cartesian school of thought. nurture. This entry was posted in Nature/Nurture and tagged aristotle, nature, nurture, plato, socrates on January 30,. Plato proposed that the origins of structure and function lie in the organism's nature whereas Aristotle proposed that they lie in its nurture. Now that the 20 th century is over, most (not all) scientists believe that nature and nurture combine in a complex mixture to produce human behavior. Nature refers to people’s genes. With this as a backdrop, we should be able to see what motivated Plato and Aristotle to seek a strong alternative. Researchers are finding that the balance between genetic and environmental influences for certain traits change , as people get older . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Studies that were conducted with Romanian children who were raised in orphanages in the 1980s and early 1990s are used to illustrate the overarching principle that: a. It is also a question that has plagued scientists for centuries‚ and philosophers before that. Nature vs Nurture. The nature versus nurture debate is of constant discussion amongst psychologists today. Nature vs nurture is in no way a new controversy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 307 pp. 000 college essays for A+ grades. their personal experiences. Nature vs nurture has a strong affect on people where it has an effect when the adolescence students is in a. Freud believed that throughout a person’s life, the id would grow weaker and weaker, while the ego and superego grew stronger. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Debates as to whether alcohol abuse is biologically determined or culturally influenced are most relevant to the issue of. Although there were Greek philosophers before their respective births, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are the only three worth focusing on during this period. Virtue ethics is currently one of three major approaches in normative ethics. Finally, the chapter also discusses whether the approach we find in Aristotle should be classified as a correspondence theory. *The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be traced to these times. , philosophers were asking the same question on human behaviour. 2005. nurture can be dated as far back as 300 BC during Socrates and Plato’s time. Part of our personality is formed by genetics. Plato. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like nativism, philosophical empiricism, nature vs. 2 Pages 993 Words. relevance of Plato's views to debates on such issues as nature vs. According to the Philosophy of Plato, the fundamental character of Philosopher is. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13:11, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. During the Greek Classical period, Plato, who favored nature, disputed with Aristotle, who favored Nurture. Nurture One of the oldest arguments of psychology is Nature vs Nurture debate. 2. . Aristotle is celebrated as “the master of them that know. Often statements or arguments concerning love, its nature and role in human life for example connect to one or all the central theories of philosophy, and is often compared with, or. 'Nature vs. The debate has raged on for centuries, dating all the way back to Plato and Aristotle arguing for separate sides (Plato arguing for nature and… • The nature versus nurture debate involves whether human behavior is determined by the environment, either prenatal or during a person's life, or by a person's genes. Plato and Aristotle are two such theorists who had concepts of how to improve existing societies throughout their specific lifetimes. The nature versus nurture debate is a controversial issue questioning whether or not human behavior is a result of biology. The student did not say on what basis this theory was constituted and how theorists reach to the. Their difference in nature makes the union a mystery. The rationalist view originated from the philosophies of Plato and Descartes‚ it is based on the premise that certain fundamental ideas are innate. On one side Nature‚ the argument that it is the genes of the parents that shape a person behaviour‚ personality and even the persons well being to. Like Plato, Aristotle believes that order, perfection, and goodness are found or discovered, not projected, in the natural world. Plato was a very intelligent philosopher and teacher. 209d–e, Plato 1925), an idea he appears to disagree with. Post navigation Previous post: ← Previous Post Next post: “Motivated to seek pleasure, not pain” →Plato, Aristotle, and the Founders. First published Tue May 18, 2004; substantive revision Tue Nov 9, 2021. The nature versus nurture debate spans thousands of years and includes classic philosophers and writers. (d) Inorganic in nature. Nurture . Gail. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. Like his work in zoology, Aristotle’s political studies combine. This debate concerns how much of an individual, and who s/he is, can be attributed either to nature (i. Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank. Philosophical Views of Plato. For Plato and Aristotle, recognition and participation in the public sphere is (or at least should be) based on virtue. Aristotle’s Metaphysics. You can look at the following example. The British philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, on. Aristotle's psychology included a study into the formation of the human mind, as one of the first salvos in the debate between nature and nurture that influences many academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, education, politics and human geography. There is some puzzle about why Aristotle would use the example of poems. . Check out this FREE essay on Nature Versus Nurture ️ and use it to write your own unique paper. Nature vs. Classical Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle picked their sides on the causes of human. The argument of nature vs. In some segments, he does express that women are naturally inferior and ought to be governed, consistently within the household and in the optimal state. C. Mary Shelley's believes in nurture more than nature. It originated from the diverse beliefs of the two ancient philosophers Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle and Plato (4th Century B. nurture dualism has framed the modern conversation in biology and psychology. Biography of Plato. Plato (c. 56) Nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward. The role of nature and nurture on development on children is that researchers examine areas of. environment you were raised in. Philosophers like Plato and Aristotle have depended on nature or nurture to explained human behavior (Kan et al. Politics and International Relations ’21. 348 BCE), who himself had been a student of Socrates (c. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle pondered whether individuals were born with innate qualities (nature) or whether these qualities were acquired through experience and education (nurture). 2 Pages. The essence of water, for instance, will be its molecular structure, the essence of a. Discussion 1: Plato or Aristotle theory of knowledge (nature vs nurture) -Aristotle: Knowledge comes from experience -Plato: Knowledge is born with Which other modern psychologist theorized about innateness?-Elizabeth Spelky Themes of Developmental Theories -Nature vs nurture -Active or passive child -Continuous vs Discontinuous. While Socrates and Plato believed that knowledge is innate, Aristotle thought that knowledge is not preexisting and grows with experience. Aristotle was born in 384 BC, in Northern Greece, in Stagira, and he died in 322 BC, in Euboea, Greece. (a) Product of selfishness of man. While generally accurate and certainly useful for pedagogical purposes, no rigid boundary separates the parts. Since first introduced by Francis Galton in 1869, it has evolved as an even more controversial topic. Plato was a pupil and friend of the greek philosopher Socrates. 4. Join; Login;. The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development. Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. What position do modern psychologists take on this issue? 2. View Answer. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Aristotle worked with. Yet, in his works on natural. (d) Inorganic in nature. Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank. The nature-nurture debate concerned with the extent to which aspects of behavior are a product human, whether nature (i. As such, their noted penchant for excluding. Nurture Debate. nurture debate in psychology concerns the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities (nature) versus personal experiences (nurture) in determining or causing individual differences in physical and behavioral traits. According to Plato, art imitated the real world, and truth was an intellectual abstraction. Plato was a pupil and friend of the greek philosopher Socrates. Nature and nurture both influence who we are. Using non-invasive genetic sampling, we collected grizzly bear hair samples during 2011–2014 across southwestern Alberta, Canada. According to Aristotle, the State is. It is known as the nature versus nurture debate. Plato believed that there was a sharp distinction between. The nature vs. Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher, one of the three greatest figures of the ancient period of Western philosophy (the others were Plato and Aristotle), who lived in Athens in the 5th century BCE. Plato was a Greek philosopher‚ mathematician‚ rhetorician‚ writer‚ founder of Academy‚ and even a double Olympic champion. Human Nature, not only exists ~. However, the modern debate took shape in the 17th and 18th centuries with the works of philosophers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. These terms date back to the ancient Greek philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The debate about nature versus nurture goes back to humans’ earliest days of intellectual dispute. The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be traced to these times. For the history fair, we decided to debate nature versus nurture and the two people we used in our debate was Greek philosopher, Aristotle on the side of nature and for the. The Argument Of Nature Vs. The task of philosophy, for Plato, is to discover through reason (“ dialectic ”) the nature of the Forms, the only true reality, and their interrelations, culminating in an understanding of the most fundamental Form, the Good or the One. Those who are more virtuous should have a greater share of authority and. Plato held an entirely innatist view and claimed that all knowledge is present in us at birth but the environment is required to remind us of the. Locke believed in the "tabula rasa" theory, which means that humans are born as blank. These terms date back to the ancient Greek philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, held contradicting views about human intelligence. On the other hand, nurture refers to the total of. Nativism vs. Human Nature, not only exists ~. Aristotle and John Locke. 1 Reply. Their goals were very different from the goals of contemporary philosophy, to. The Nature versus Nurture Debate What makes you who you are? This question is the essence behind the nature versus nurture debate. Aristotle followed Plato, though he rejected Plato’s idea that the Realm of Ideas is reality, he asserted that what we perceive is all we can know and that is reality for us all. Plato Vs Aristotle Theory Of Knowledge Compare and Contrast Essay Example. Citing Socrates in APA. Nature is the predetermined traits that people are born with, while nurture is the influence that affects people after they’re born. nurture debate centers on the contributions of genetics and environmental factors to human development. 12. The nature versus nurture debate is one of the issues in psychology. It is widely believed that the philosophical concept of ‘ tabula rasa ’ originates with Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding and refers to a state in which a child is as formless as a blank slate. plato never really explained how perfect forms could tell us about objects and their changes. The zeitgeist (the intellectual and culture "flavor" of a time and place) has swung back and forth over time with regard to the amount of influence thatNativism. Nurture is how much of your personality was caused because of your environment‚ how you were raised. For his athletic figure his wrestling coach called him Plato‚ which means. Plato’s Politics - yourbigsky. Nature versus Nurture Debate Nature vs. c. Tabula rasa ( / ˈtæbjələ ˈrɑːsə, - zə, ˈreɪ -/; Latin for "blank slate") is the idea of individuals being born empty of any built-in mental content, so that all knowledge comes from later perceptions or sensory experiences. (c) Organic in nature. The next great mind to enter the nature versus nurture debate came around in the mid 1600s. Plato’s masterful Republic (to which we have already referred) is most obviously a careful analysis of justice, although the book is far more wide-ranging than that would suggest. · “Human behavior flows from three main. What position do modern psychologists take on this issue? According to Plato, humans are born with all knowledge. (Spencer A. (Spencer A. c. In this middle-ground. the relationship of knowledge to opinion, reality to experience, and metaphysics to epistemology. In any case, the comparison is helpful in the following ways. Nurture: The LSAT’s Take on the Root Causes of Human Behavior. Essays on Aristotle And Plato Discussing Nature Vs Nurture for students to reference for free. The debate of nature vs. Knowledge itself can be of many different things and is usually divided among three main categories: knowledge of the external world,. One realm is commonly known as the realm of change, also referred to as becoming things. According to Freud, human development is influenced by both nurture and nature. Nurture Through time‚ psychologists have argued over whether only our genes control our behaviors in life or if the environment and the people surrounding us have any effect in our lives. The debate surrounding. Republic and the Tirnaeus, the composite nature is treated as derivative from the. , The suggestion that psychology is less a set of facts then a. C. nurture. Aristotle and Plato were Greek philosophers who lived around 300 BC. 3 Pages. Full Text of the Graphic. In creating the judicial branch of government, the framers gave federal judges lifetime terms, thus ensuring that judges would base their decisions on the law and not on politics. sophistry (or the. The task of philosophy, for Plato, is to discover through reason (“ dialectic ”) the nature of the Forms, the only true reality, and their interrelations, culminating in an understanding of the most fundamental Form, the. Plato came before Aristotle, and their arguments seem to agree and differ on the. Both Aristotle and Plato believed thoughts were superior to the senses. Aristotle, unlike Plato, was a believer in nurture, stating that the human mind was. Beauty has traditionally been counted among the ultimate values, with goodness, truth, and justice. Plato thinks that the external world can be obtained proceeding from the inside out. The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be traced to these times. What position do modern psychologists take on this issue? 2. Nature meaning the inborn‚ innate character of an organism‚ and nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward. These philosophers explored the problem through predication. Nurture versus nature is an age old debate, beginning with the idea’s founders, Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates. Descartes and his followers adopted the idea of dualism, meaning that the soul is separate from the body and that the soul does not have a physical. The Nature versus Nurture argument is one both psychologists and sociologists have looked at and studied extensively to the degree that it has become one of the great debates in both fields of research. C. Aristotle vs. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle pondered whether individuals were born with innate qualities (nature) or whether these qualities were acquired through experience and education (nurture). Plato NATURE vs nurture POV. at the age of 81. Open Document. The debate between Nature and Nurture can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. The nature aspect, which is the more scientific theory of the two, is the idea that genes have a greater impact on a person’s development. E), an Athenian philosopher, believed that knowledge was innate. Relevant Philosophers Aristotle Case Studies Nature VS Nurture Contrary to Plato’s beliefs, Aristotle thought that all humans are born as a blank slate, and that the person they become in adulthood depends on their surroundings, parents, interactions and experiences. Plato believed behavior and knowledge was due to innate factors. Medical Daily writer, Dana Dovey, journalist of Nature vs. Nature vs. (b) A convenience. Aristotle and Plato were philosophers in ancient Europe who critically studied questions of social, science, politics, and more. First‚ Plato’s philosophy relegated the material‚ physical world to a sort of metaphysical second. Although the term wasn't coined until 1869 by, Francis Galton. John Locke nature vs NURTURE POV. Plato remained at the Academy teaching, writing, and living comfortably until he died in 347 B. has three principal aspects . Plato believed in the existence of eternal, unchanging forms, while Aristotle believed in the existence of physical objects that are subject to change. The “Middle Ground” Perspective on Nature–Nurture. In mathematics, he developed the techniques that made. nurture debate centers on the contributions of genetics and environmental factors to human development. This debate continuedBut Plato was also concerned, like his teacher Socrates, with the nature of how we should be ruled. Nurture Psychology. Nature vs. Nurture Halil B. View Answer. ). Philosophers such as Plato and Descartes supported the idea that some ideas are inborn. But what does this mean form me? I am an 18 year old young man trying to shape myself into an ideal person‚ I have tendencies‚ habits‚ talents‚ these come from both sides of this. Although more evidence is being discovered, the topic is still very arguable. Like Plato, Aristotle thinks that we can take a person’s pleasures and pains to be a sign of his state of character. Examples are aplenty supporting both sides. Given that both these beliefs are entirely false, this article will examine why they have endured from the eighteenth century. Those that exist by nature have their origin in themselves, whereas those that exist by craft have their origin in the craftsperson. Some philosophers, such as Plato and Descartes, suggested that certain factors are inborn or occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. Plato and Aristotle both believe that thinking, defined as true opinion supported by rational explanation is true knowledge; however, Plato is a rationalist but Aristotle is not. These drives and memories can only manifest through nurturing, as they are shaped by one’s upbringing. Homosexuality is one of the most controversial‚ debated‚ and misunderstood topics. See morePlato proposed that the origins of structure and function lie in the organism's nature whereas Aristotle proposed that they lie in its nurture. 1. 5 million pairs of twins has finally concluded that the nature versus nurture debate is a draw” (Dovey). While Socrates casted fatalistic and monolithic dispositions in his analysis and elaborated his thoughts in dialectic form, Aristotle, in contrast, embraced freedom of choice and diversity (pluralism) and articulated the importance of contingent particularity of historical experiences. The debate on nature versus nurture has existed for thousands of years. e. Aristotle and Natural Law has two central concerns: it offers an analysis of the concept of natural law and its history, focusing especially on Greek philosophy and the sophistic debates of the fifth century, and it locates Aristotle within this history as Burns understands it. , when Hippocrates and Aristotle were both searching for a way to explain human behavior and animation of the body. This is the question of nature vs nurture, and the subject-matter of evolutionary psychology. , Physics 192b ff. Near the end of the Phaedo, for example, Plato describes the world of Forms as a pristine region of the physical universe located above the surface of the Earth. nurture , but the interaction of nature and nurture that drives development . Both Plato and Aristotle believed that there is a world of true knowledge,. He asserted that if a person knows what is good, then that person will necessarily do good deeds. The nature vs nurture debate and our path-breaking discovery of a consensus which suggests that:-. Today, you might apply the wisdom of these ancient Greek. This claim can be seen as follows; Socrates never thinks without an image present to him. Physis. Plato (429 - 347 B. Decent Essays. Empiricism in my life. nurture is an age-old debate about whether genetics (nature) plays a bigger role in determining a person's characteristics than lived experience and environmental factors (nurture). Nurture” (ORIGINS). b. The debate concerning 'nature vs. " Aristotle conceived of politics as being like an organism rather than like a machine, and as a collection of parts none of. scholars debate from the nature-inspired and nurture-inspired perspectives. 2. Socrates (470/469–399 B. So to find what accords with nature, they. . Nature vs Nurture. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle proposed theories that emphasized either innate predispositions or. Rathus pg. Plato, a Greek philosopher alive between (428 and 348B. In 350 B. Defining human nature Plato defined humanity in terms of reason. The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be. Nature vs. Plato believing that knowledge was present at birth, and that environment did not teach anything new. nurture has been strongly debated in psychology. The argument of nature vs. As Plato employs his account of the human soul as the foundation for his Just City, Aristotle’s Politics begins with an explanation as to the nature of man and why, according to that nature, polities and their ends come to exist. explanation. Besides looking nearly identical to my mom, I also act a lot like her. The Debate of Nature vs. The nature vs. Natural law, system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society (positive law). The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental. and end (final). Numerous generations before us have deliberated on the reasons behind the development of human behavior. nurture debate centers on the contributions of genetics and environmental factors to human development. nurture has been discussed by philosophers in the past and by scientists more recently. nurture and more. Moses Sghayyer on nature vs nurture;It should have included a student's opinion on nature vs. Plato proposed that the origins of structure and function lie in the organism's nature whereas Aristotle proposed that they lie in its nurture. The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. In 350 B. C. nature goes as far back as 350 b. It’s not actually saying that nature has a larger influence than nurture or vice versa. structuralism and introspection. This definition is rooted ultimately in Aristotle’s distinction between things that exist by nature and things that exist by craft (Metaphysics 1033a ff. The current research seems to shed some light on the question. Aristotle’s Life. The nature of. Another interesting thought about Forrest Gump is how he was able to learn street smarts and politeness. Nurture. Many basic ideas that we still examine in psychology can be traced back to these two Greek philosophers; who had a very logical, analytical form of psychology that treats behavior as something simple; analyzed reasons for actions and types of. e. Classical Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle picked their. 1. The theory of nature versus nurture initially came into the light in 1869 and the psychologist Sir Francis Galton was credited to use the term for the first time in history (Bynum 2002). Aristotle was a good deal less other-worldly than Plato. Aristotle considers the formal "cause" (εἶδος, eîdos) as describing the pattern or form which when present makes matter into a particular type of thing, which we recognize as being of that particular type. Florence Liu, BSc. However, the development of genetics has gained a renewed interest in the scientific community and the eugenics community. The nature versus nurture debate represents one of the oldest issues in the research of human behavior dealing with the question whether inherited traits or life experiences (e. The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be traced to these times. 1 Free will and the ability to do otherwise. There are conspicuous differences in thoughts. Plato’s most famous student was Aristotle‚ who regardless of his education by the great philosopher has different views and opinions that Plato. Aristotle and Rousseau and more. But like Plato, he was inspired by ancient Greek geometry. However, the development of genetics has gained a renewed interest in the scientific community and the eugenics community. He aims to create a peaceful united city that will lead to the greater good of the community and individuals. Briefly stated, Aristotle's account of the possibility of knowledge of changing things relies on recognizing regularities in the changes. Perhaps due to the influence of Plato, who held a form of rationalism that maintained that all real knowledge was innate, and Aristotle, who held that the defining characteristics of things. Your assignment is to discuss the debate pertaining to nature vs. The term originated in ancient Greek philosophy, and was later used in Christian theology and Western. (a) Wisdom. , acquired learning or environmental factors). On the other hand, nurture refers to the total of milieu controls and conditions operating on an organism. Differentiate between a structuralist and functionalist approach to understanding consciousness. In a APA formatted 3-page typed essay (12pt Times font, double spaced), consider the following questions: Firstly, what were the views of Plato on the nature vs. The year of publishing. nurture has been strongly debated in psychology. Homosexuality: A Case of Nature versus Nurture By Idette Adams Instructor: Mr. Plato was a student of Socrates, and Aristotle was a student of Plato.